WORKSHOP “Education in Biomedical Engineering”, 23 September 2015, Chisinau, Moldova
A Workshop on «Education in Biomedical Engineering», endorsed by the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) was held on September 23, 2015 at the Labor institute.
This scientific event was organized with the occasion of the 2nd General Assembly Meeting of the TEMPUS IV BME-ENA Project and within the framework of the International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (ICNBME-2015).
The Workshop program consisted of the following presentations:
Management and Implementation of the TEMPUS IV BME-ENA Project in the Field of Biomedical Engineering Education Z. Bliznakov, A. Rodina-Theocharaki and N. Pallikarakis Biomedical Technology Unit, Department of Medical Physics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Patras, Rio - Patras, Greece
Medical Bioengineering Education in Iasi, Romania H. Costin1,2, L. Verestiuc1 , D. Zaharia1 , R. Ciorap1 , C. Corciova1 and G. Andruseac1 1Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Iasi, Romania 2 Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
Biomedical Engineering Education in Republic of Moldova: Experience and Challenges V. Sontea, S. Railean. A Seryakov, A. Iavorschi, I.Balmus Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova
Development of the BME MSc Study Program in Georgia within the BME-ENA TEMPUS IV Project T. Sanikidze1, I. Gotsiridze2, G. Gigilashvili2, S. Dadunashvili2, D. Gegechkori3, I. Pkhakadze3, D. Nadareishvili1, S. Kiparoidze1, E. Shekiladze1, E. Gogilidze2, T. Pertaia3, E. Nyssen4, W. Chlewicki5, J. Górecka5, P. Makiewicz5 and K.Penkala5 1 Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU), Tbilisi, Georgia 2 Georgian Technical University (GTU), Tbilisi, Georgia 3 Akaki Tsereteli State University (ATSU), Kutaisi, Georgia 4 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium 5 West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT-WPUT), Szczecin, Poland
Design and Content of Biomedical Curriculum for Biomedical Engineering Master’s Program in the Republic of Moldova V. Vovc, S. Lozovanu, A. Ganenco and N. Ciobanu Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Biomedical Engineering Education in Georgia: Experience and Challenges
I. Gotsiridze Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia |