Work Packages

WP 1. Project Management

1.1. Coordination of General Assembly (GA) and Steering Committee (SC) meetings

1.2. Overall day-to-day Management


WP 2. Design and Development of the interdisciplinary curricula for BME MSc studies

2.1. Requirements analysis

2.2. Curricula design according to the CRH-BME recommendations and the particular partner countries’ demands

2.3. Preparation of the content of courses

2.4. Laboratory/Infrastructure design and implementation, equipment procurement and installation


WP 3. Capacity building for Staff and preparation of Materials

3.1. Staff selection and training

3.2. Selection and Preparation of Educational and Teaching materials

3.3. Training seminars 


WP 4. Implementation of the 4 BME MSc study Programs

4.1. Implementation of the BME program in Armenia

4.2. Implementation of the BME program in Georgia

4.3. Implementation of the BME program in Moldova

4.4. Implementation of the BME program in Ukraine


WP 5. Dissemination and Sustainability 

5.1. Design, development and regular updating of the web portals

5.2. Dissemination and Promotion of project results

5.3. Implementation of BME Programs’ Sustainability plans


WP 6. Project Quality Assurance

6.1. Establishment of the Projects’ QA Plan

6.2. Preparation of the projects’ internal guidelines for reporting and reviewing procedures

6.3. Implementation of the projects’ QA system


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